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White Labs
Hydroponic & Organic Gardening
A wine yeast strain that is less attenuative than WLP715, leaving some residual sweetness. Slightly fruity & will tolerate alcohol concentrations up to 15%.
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White Labs Yeast - Sweet Mead/ Wine WLP720
Used to produce the California Common style of beer. A unique Lager strain which has the ability to ferment up to 65 degrees while retaining Lager characteristics. Can also be fermented down to 50 degrees for production of other styles of lagers.
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White Labs Yeast - San Francisco Lager WLP810
A unique blend perfect for Belgian style beers. Includes Brettanomyces, Saccharomyces, & the bacterial strains Lactobacillus & Pediococcus.
White Labs Yeast - Belgian Sour Mix 1 WLP655
High intensity Brett character. Defines the "Brett character": Horsey, Smoky & spicy flavors. As the name suggests, this strain is found most often in Lambic style beers, which are spontaneously fermented beers.
White Labs Yeast - Brettanomyces Lambicus WLP653
Classic yeast, used to produce champagne, cider, dry meads, dry wines, or to fully attenuate barley wines/strong ales. Can tolerate alcohol concentrations up to 17%
White Labs Yeast - Champagne WLP715
This yeast is used to produce American style lagers. Dry and clean w/a very slight apple fruitiness. Sulfur & diacetyl production is minimal.
White Labs Yeast - American Pilsner Lager WLP840
From East Flanders, versatile yeast that can produce light Belgian ales to high gravity Belgian beers (12% ABV). A combination of fruitiness & phenolic characteristics dominate the flavor profile.
White Labs Yeast - Belgian Golden Ale WLP570
The vrai (true, in French) Brettanomyces bruxellensis Trois. The infamous strain used for all-Brettanomyces fermentations, has a robust, complex sour character w/aromas of pear. Best used as a primary fermentation strain.
White Labs Yeast - Brettanomyces Bruxel WLP648
This yeast is a little more attenuative than WLP002. Like most English strains, this yeast produces malty beers. Excellent for all English style ales including bitter, pale ale, porter, & brown ale.
White Labs Yeast - British Ale WLP005
WLP775 is a classic cider yeast. This particular cider yeast will ferment dry, but retains flavor from apples. Sulfur will be produced during fermentation, but will disappear in first two weeks of aging. Can also be used for wine and high gravity beers.
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White Labs Yeast - English Cider WLP775
WLP351 is a traditional Bavarian weizen yeast. This strain produces a classic German-style wheat beer, with moderately high, spicy, phenolic overtones reminiscent of cloves.
White Labs Yeast - Bavarian Weizen WLP351
White Labs Belgian Saison II offers a fruitier ester production than its counterpart WLP565. Moderately phenolic, with a clove-like characteristic in finished beer flavor and aroma. Know to ferment quickly and often finishing in just a few days.
White Labs Yeast - Belgian Saison II WLP566
Classic Saison yeast from Wallonia. It produces earthy, peppery, & spicy notes. Slightly sweet.
White Labs Yeast - Belgian Saison I WLP565
More fruity than WLP001, and slightly more flocculant. Attenuation is lower, resulting in a fuller bodied beer than with WLP001. From Northern California. This strain is more fruity than WLP001, and slightly more flocculant. Attenuation is lower, resultin
White Labs Yeast - California V Ale WLP051
Traditional Alt yeast from Dusseldorf, Germany. Produces clean, slightly sweet alt beers. Does not accentuate hop flavor as WLP029 does.
White Labs Yeast - Dusseldorf Alt WLP036
White Labs Yeast - German/ Kolsch Ale WLP029
White Labs Yeast - German/ Kolsch Ale WLP029
Dry, malty ale yeast. Provides a complex, oakey ester character to your beer. Hop bitterness comes through well. This yeast is well suited for classic British pale ales, bitters, & stouts.
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White Labs Yeast - London Ale WLP013
From 1 of the 6 Trappist breweries remaining in the world, this yeast produces the distinctive fruitiness & plum characteristics.
White Labs Yeast - Monastery Ale WLP500
WLP838 South German Lager
White Labs Yeast - Southern German
Medium intensity Brett character. Classic strain used in secondary fermentation for Belgian style beers & lambics. One Trappist brewery uses this strain in secondary and bottling to produce their characteristic flavor.
White Labs Yeast - Brettanomyces Bruxellensis WLP650