Mt. Hood Pellets 1 oz

Article number: 20601
Availability: In stock

Mild and somewhat pungent, Mt Hood is an aroma hop variety, similar to the finest German noble hop varieties.

Mt. Hood is often used for aroma and flavor in American and German ales and lagers. With flavors and aromas described as honey, lemon cake, lemon tea, tarragon and fennel, Mt. Hood proves comparable to Hallertau and Hersbrucker varieties.

Typical A. A: 4 – 8%

Possible Substitutions: French Strisselspalt, Hallertau Mittelfruh, Hersbrucker

Application Tip:

As a substitute for Hallertau varieties, Mt. Hood will produce noble qualities in Octoberfest, Vienna, Maibock and a Mexican Dark lager, providing pleasant aroma and flavor in the finished beer. Bitterness is pleasing and smooth with no harshness on the palate.

For Pumpkin ales, add Mt. Hood to the kettle with 60 minutes remaining in the boil followed by an addition of Hallertau Mittelfruh at 15 minutes remaining and ferment with Wyeast 1084, Irish ale yeast.

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