Brewer's Best - American Cream Ale

Article number: 10111
Availability: In stock

An easy drinking version of American style lager, the Brewers Best Cream ale is light, clean and simple to brew. With a hint of corn in the aroma and flavor, the American Cream Ale has faint malt notes and a nice balancing sting of hop bitterness.

Contents of the kit include: ingredients, bottle caps, priming sugar, and brewing procedures.

Fermentables: 3.3 pounds of Light Liquid Malt Extract (LME); 2 pounds of Pilsen Dried Malt Extract (DME); and 1 pound of Corn Sugar.

Hops: 2 packs of 1 ounce each Willamette hops (hops may vary due to availability).

Yeast: 1 sachet.

  • IBUs: 16 - 18
  • OG: 1.049 - 1.053
  • FG: 1.010 - 1.014
  • ABV: 5.25 - 5.75%
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Color: Straw
  • Category: Classic

Application Tip:

To add floral and citrusy hop character to the Cream Ale, dry hop the beer for 3 days with 1 oz. NZ Hallertau Aroma hops. Following the finish of fermentation, add the hops to the primary for 3 days before siphoning to secondary. Alternatively, siphon the fermented beer to the secondary fermentor and add the hops to the beer 3 days prior to packaging. (Additional hops sold separately.)


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